
This policy governs the way in which we use the personal data that we process in the context of your relationship with Technosub Group, and how we fulfill our data protection obligations in accordance with various laws, rules and regulations to which we are subject as a company.


Nous nous engageons à respecter la confidentialité et reconnaissons la nécessité d’une protection et d’une gestion appropriées de toute donnée à caractère personnel qui nous est communiquée. Dans la présente politique, les « données à caractère personnel » désignent toute information relative à une personne physique identifiée ou identifiable. La présente politique définit notre engagement en matière de protection des données, ainsi que les droits et obligations des individus en ce qui concerne les données à caractère personnel que nous recueillions, utilisons, conservons et divulguons (selon le cas, « traitement » ou « traité »), mais uniquement dans la mesure requise par les lois applicables en matière de protection des données (telles que définies ci-dessous).


This policy applies, without limitation, to the personal data of the following current and former individuals who consults this website and submits personal information.

Definition : Personal information

Personal information is that which relates to a natural person and allows them to be identified. It is confidential. With certain exceptions, it cannot be communicated without the consent of the person concerned.

Category of personal data that may be collected

Personal information we may collect about you is as follows:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your telephone number
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your curriculum vitae
  • Any information you provide voluntarily
  • The information we need to offer you our services

Means used to collect information

  • You interact with us by sending us emails or other correspondence;
  • You complete and submit an online form;
  • You apply for a job with Technosub Group;
  • We respond to your requests;
  • You use our IT systems.

External links

This site offers links to other websites. We advise you to read the privacy policy that applies to the different websites you visit since information exchanged by intermediaries that we do not control is not subject to this policy.

Information transmitted automatically from access to our website

Once you access our website, an exchange of information between your computer and our server takes place without the need for any intervention on your part. Without being identified personally, we bring to your attention that the information exchanged concerns:

  • The Internet domain name
  • Browser type or operating system
  • The date and time you access the site
  • The visited pages

This exchange of information is necessary for statistical purposes, to find out about your computer technology, your country of origin and to count the number of visitors.

Please refer to the sections below to learn more about the data automatically transmitted between computers.

Use of indicators “cookies” and follow-up technology

A cookie is an information file that is placed on your browser by a server when you visit a website. The latter can be retrieved by this server during subsequent visits. Cookies can only be read by the website that transmits them to your computer. These inform us of the computer devices that you use as well as your interactions in our Web world. They are used to facilitate browsing on the pages of this site, to measure our performance, as well as to compile statistical data.

At any time, you could set your browser to block the cookies. However, you should be aware that this action may deprive of certain features available on the site.

Purposes for which personal information is collected

We process personal data for purposes necessary for your employment or hiring, or in order to offer our services.

If you submit a job application or otherwise participate in a recruitment process undertaken by us or on our behalf, we may collect, use and disclose your personal data to:

  • Assess your employment application and contact you regarding the applied for employment and/or other positions and to manage our relationship with you;
  • Evaluate other relevant employment opportunity matches that may arise within our organization from time to time;
  • Better understand your needs and offer you better services.

We limit the processing of personal data to what is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or authorized by the data subject and takes reasonable steps to ensure that all personal data is reliable, accurate, complete and current. We only retain personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected or authorized, or for the period required by applicable legislation or regulations.


Retention is the period during which we keep your personal information, in whatever form, regardless of whether the information is actively used or not.

At this stage, we must respect the following obligations:

  • Ensure the quality of personal information by ensuring that the personal information we hold is up to date and accurate at the time it is used to make a decision about the individual concerned;
  • Take security measures to ensure the security of personal information

Data security

We take the security of personal data related to human resources seriously. We have implemented procedures and internal controls to protect personal data against loss, accidental destruction, misuse or disclosure, and to ensure that the data is not accessed except by individual resources in the exercise of their functions. This includes limiting access to HR and payroll staff only. When we contract third parties to process personal data on our behalf, these parties do so on the basis of documented instructions, are bound by an obligation of confidentiality and must implement appropriate measures to ensure data security of a personal nature. We report known security incidents to affected individuals in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Privacy incident

A confidentiality incident corresponds to any access, use or communication not authorized by law of personal information, as well as the loss of personal information or any other breach of its protection.


  • A staff member consults personal information without authorization;
  • A staff member communicates personal information to the wrong recipient;
  • The organization is the victim of a cyberattack: phishing, ransomware, etc.

If we have or employee has reason to believe that a confidentiality incident involving personal information it holds has occurred, it must take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of harm being caused and prevent new incidents of the same nature do not occur.

The company’s obligations in the event of a confidentiality incident:

  • Take measures to reduce risks and avoid new incidents
  • Assess whether the incident poses a risk of serious harm
  • Notify the Commission and the persons whose information is concerned
  • Keep a record of privacy incidents.

Anonymization and disposal

The life cycle of personal information ends soon as the purpose for which it was collected is accomplished, subject to the time limit provided by law or by a retention schedule established by government regulation. In addition, personal information may be anonymized (remove any information that identifies the employee) if necessary for conservation purposes.

Questions or concerns regarding the protection of your personal information / Opposition and deletion

All comments, questions, concerns, or complaints regarding your personal information or regarding this policy or our privacy practices should be directed to the following contact information:

By mail:
To the attention of the Privacy Officer
1156, avenue Larivière
Rouyn-Noranda, Québec
J9X 4K8

By email:

In addition, we are committed to offering you the option of objecting to the use of your personal information. The “Right of Opposition” allows you to refuse that your personal information be used for certain purposes identified at the time of collection.

The Privacy Officer will attempt to respond to each of your written requests within thirty (30) days of such requests. If he/she is unable to meet this deadline, the Privacy Officer will inform you of the new deadline required in the circumstances.